Report by Deacon John Brown Deacon John Brown attended the Worshipful Company Plaisterers of London, Masters' and Clerks' Dinner at Plaisterers' Hall on Tuesday 14 January 2020. To the left, the Deacon is escorted by two pikemen of the Lord Mayor’s Guard - showing him into the hall or perhaps out!! The Deacon was welcomed by The Master of the Plaisterers, Alderman Alison Gowman, Clerk Nigel Bamping, Upper Warden Margaret Coates , Renter Warden Stephen Gilbert and was hosted by Past Master Emeritus Michael Hall, who is a regular attender Deacon's Choosing Dinner of our Incorporation. Entertainment was provided by pianist of great repute Edward Dye and the Ebony Steel Band, and a most enjoyable night was had by all in attendance. |