Lammas Court 2019
Thursday 1st August 2019 was the evening of the Incorporation of Masons of Glasgow's Lammas Court and Social Evening. This is the time when, following a Master Court Meeting, an open Court Meeting is held where four retiring members are thanked for their stalwark work over the previous years and the new office bearers for the coming year are proposed and seconded. As usual this went off without a hitch and the Merry Masons are all set to have a full compliment of members on the Master Court and the Deacon and Collector nominates are in position.
Anyone wishing to assist the Master Court to shape the future of the Incorporation should contact the Clerk Tom Monteith at and if there is room available they are likely to be invited to join the Master Court for the coming year as a supplementary member.
Anyone wishing to assist the Master Court to shape the future of the Incorporation should contact the Clerk Tom Monteith at and if there is room available they are likely to be invited to join the Master Court for the coming year as a supplementary member.

At the end of the Master Court meeting, three new members were sworn in and received their Burgess and Guild Brother or Sister certificates, making them freemen and in one case freewoman of Glasgow. The new members also received their membership certificates from the Incorporation of Masons.
At the end of the Lammas Court, a wee social was held where the old members were able to congratulate the new members and welcome them into the fold of the Merry Masons.
At the end of the Lammas Court, a wee social was held where the old members were able to congratulate the new members and welcome them into the fold of the Merry Masons.